Socio-economic efficacy of Mahila Bazaar
A MUP capstone thesis written by Swati Rastogi with assistance by her adviser Dr. Marc Doussard. Swati’s work was featured by Illinois News Bureau’s Research News, February 13, 2020. Her thesis can be found here.

99 ways to take back your city
MUP student, Pio Ibrahim, created this online book publication for his capstone project in 2020. He worked with adviser, Dr. Faranak Miraftab, on the project. His project can be found here.

Transportation equity project prioritization criteria
Agustina Krapp’s MUP capstone project was published by APA Planning Advisory Service (PAS) in a March/April 2020 memo. Her capstone, advised by Dr. Jesus Barajas, was also awarded the best capstone project for the class of 2020. You can read her capstone here.

Kashmere Gardens Development Plan
Kashmere Gardens Development Plan received a 2nd place award in the 2020 APA Student Design Competition. This plan was created by a team of MUP students: Yasamin Khoshpour, Emily Hutchinson and Brian Waters. Kashmere Gardens is almost entirely located in a 100-year floodplain that seems to be inundated more frequently and more severely than predicted. You can read more about this group’s plan here.

Reinvigorating the historic East Bayfront
Tessa Ferraro’s 2019 capstone project looks at the historic East Bayfront area in Erie Pennsylvania. Her project, East Bayfront Neighborhood Plan, was advised by Dr. Andrew Greenlee and can be found here.
Banking on Land: A Critical Review of Land Banking in the United States
The winner of the Best MUP Capstone Thesis for 2019 was David Mischiu’s thesis entitled Banking on Land: A Critical Review of Land Banking in the United States. The thesis discusses the history of land banking in the US, its rapid expansion as a policy over the past two decades, and the state of the art in the present-day setting. His thesis, advised by Dr. Marc Doussard, can be found here.

Planning for the Advent of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Champaign-Urbana Using Scenario Planning
Rojan Thomas Joseph, 2018 MUP graduate, created this capstone report for the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission and was awarded the best capstone project for 2018. Rojan’s capstone was advised by Dr. Arnab Chakraborty and can be found here.

A New Way to Measure Access to Jobs: Measuring difficulty of commuting with crowdsourced traffic data and GTFS
This capstone project from 2018 MUP graduate, Junghwan Kim, was published in the Journal of Transport Geography and was advised by Dr. Bumsoo Lee. You may read the whole report here.

LEAP to a Smart Future
A group of MUP students submitted a design to the 2017 APA Student Design Competition and won. The students were Dijia Chen, Junghwan Kim, Gavin Wang, Amanda Wolfe and Richa Singh. You can read more about the competition here.