Luke Talavera
Where did you go to undergrad and what did you major in?
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, University of the Philippines Dillman (2018)
Why did you choose to attend DURP at U of I?
To be honest, choosing the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at UIUC was more of a practical decision, given that I reside in Champaign now. However, it made my decision easier considering that this program is ranked among the top in the country for urban planning. Moreover, I value the department’s diversity, its tight-knit community, and the opportunity to select areas of concentration.
What are your career ambitions?
Between the concepts of migration and transportation, I am generally interested in the field of mobility. After I graduate, I want to work for local or regional planning commissions and be involved in projects that work towards transportation equity and sustainable development. Eventually, I would like to come back home to the Philippines and work on projects that develop smart and green cities.